Rule-Extension Strategies in Ancient India
Freschi, Elisa [u.a.]:
Rule-Extension Strategies in Ancient India : Ritual, Exegetical and Linguistic Considerations on the Tantra- and Prasaṅga-Principles / Elisa Freschi ; Tiziana Pontillo. - Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Peter Lang Verlag, 2013. - X, 177 S.
ISBN 978-3-631-62872-0
EUR 42,95
DDC: 181.4; 808.06660912
This study focuses on the devices implemented in Classical Indian texts on ritual and language in order to develop a structure of rules in an economic and systematic way. These devices presuppose a spatial approach to ritual and language, one which deals for instance with absences as substitutions within a pre-existing grid, and not as temporal disappearances. In this way, the study reveals a key feature of some among the most influential schools of Indian thought. The sources are Kalpasūtra, Vyākaraṇa and Mīmāṃsā, three textual traditions which developed alongside each other, sharing – as the volume shows – common presuppositions and methodologies. The book will be of interest for Sanskritists, scholars of ritual exegesis and of the history of linguistics. [Verlagsinformation]
Aus dem Inhalt
Scientific descriptive methods
Substitution patterns
Extra-mathematical concept of placeholder
Conflict between different rules
Technical literatures in comparison: ritual and grammatical traditions
Space (vs. time) as conceptual background
tantra (simultaneous application) vs. prasaṅga (automatic involvement)
Automatic involvement and blocking of rules.
ELISA FRESCHI is project-leader at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. After a degree in Sanskrit and one in Philosophy, she has gained her PhD on Indian Philosophy, with a thesis on the Epistemology of Sacred Texts (2006). She works on themes of epistemology, linguistics and philosophy of religion. Profile page; profile.
TIZIANA PONTILLO is Assistant Professor of Sanskrit at Cagliari University, Italy (since 2002). She gained her PhD with a thesis on Pāṇiṇi’s Zero-Morphology (2000) and has taught General Linguistics at Udine University (2001-2002). She is the author of more than 70 contributions, often included in the proceedings of international conferences. Profile page.
Quellen: Peter Lang Verlag; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek;; Bookbutler
Bildquelle: Peter Lang Verlag
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