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Engaging the Spirit World

Endres, Kirsten W. [u.a.] [Hrsg.]:
Engaging the Spirit World : Popular Beliefs and Practices in Modern Southeast Asia / ed. by Kirsten W. Endres and Andrea Lauser. - Oxford ; New York : Berghahn Books, 2012. - x, 234 S. : Ill. - (Asian anthropologies ; 5)
ISBN 978-0-85745-358-7
US$ 90,00 / £ 53,00
DDC: 133.90959

Early Interactions between South and Southeast Asia

Manguin, Pierre-Yves [u.a.] [Hrsg.]:
Early Interactions between South and Southeast Asia : reflections on cross-cultural exchange / ed. by Pierre-Yves Manguin ; A. Mani ; Geoff Wade. - Singapore : Inst. of Southeast Asian Studies ; New Delhi : Manohar, 2011. - XXXI, 514 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Nalanda-Sriwijaya series ; 2)
ISBN 978-981-4311-16-8
S$ 69,90 / US$ 59,90 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-981-4345-10-1
S$ 59,90 / US$ 49,90 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-81-7304-895-1
Rs. 2750,00 (Manohar)
DDC: 303.48254059

Geschichte Kambodschas

Golzio, Karl-Heinz:
Geschichte Kambodschas : von Fúnán bis Angkor und von Angkor bis zur Moderne / Karl-Heinz Golzio. - Berlin : EB Verlag, 2011. - 286 S. : Ill., Kt. - (Bonner Asienstudien ; 10)
ISBN 978-3-86893-061-0
EUR 34,80
DDC: 959.6

Business practices in Southeast Asia

Hipsher, Scott A.:
Business practices in Southeast Asia : an interdisciplinary analysis of Theravada Buddhist countries / Scott Hipsher. - London and New York : Routledge, 2010. - 207 S. - (Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 93)
ISBN 978-0-415-56202-7 / 0-415-56202-3 (hbk.)
£ 80,00
ISBN 978-0-203-86223-0 / 0-203-86223-6 (ebk.)
DDC: 658.00959; 294.336658

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