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Himalayan Nature

Sandman, Erika [u.a.] [Hrsg.]:
Himalayan Nature : representations and reality / ed. by Erika Sandman and Riika J. Virtanen. - Helsinki : Finnish Oriental Society, 2011. - IX, 242 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Studia Orientalia ; 109)
ISBN 978-951-9380-75-9
EUR 25,00
DDC: 304.2095496

Erika Sandman & Riika J. Virtanen:
Preface. vii
Klaus Karttunen:
Himalaya-Workshop: opening address. xi
Ruth Gamble:
"Looking over at the Mountains" : sense of place in the Third Karmapa's "Songs of Experience". 1
Tiina Hyytiäinen:
Repkong Tantric practitioners and their environment: observing the vow of not taking life. 17
Klaus Karttunen:
Toes and heels tormented by the hardened snow. 39
Pekka Lehtisalo:
Holy grounds: landscapes in Tibetan thangka paintings. 61
Nakza Drolma (Zhuoma):
Pilgrimage to Brag dkar sprel rdzong: presentation and translation of a pilgrimage guide. 83
Juha-Pekka Reilin:
The main factors of biodiversity changes in East Tibet. 105
Thupten K. Rikey:
The nature-deities in Tibet: a discussion of the tale "The subduing and putting under oath of Tibet's malignant lha 'dre" in Padma bka' thang. 119
Reena Amatya Shrestha, Xiang Huang & Mika Sillanpää:
Effects of urbanization on water quality of the Bagmati River in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. 141
Jaakko Takkinen:
Medicine in India and Tibet: reflections on Buddhism and nature. 151
Pilvi Vainonen:
Making museum collections: missionary Hilja Heiskanen's Himalayan artefacts. 163
Riika J. Virtanen:
Dhondup Gyal and nature: interpreting poetic images of wind and cloud in two Tibetan works. 183
Juha Janhunen:
Review article: Correctness and controversies in Asian historiography. 209
Book Reviews. 229
Contributors. 237

ERIKA SANDMAN is a doctoral candidate at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Helsinki. Project page.
RIIKA J. VIRTANEN is a Ph. D. candidate at the Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki.

Quellen: Suomen Itämainen Seura - Finnish Oriental Society; Bookstore Tiedekirja; Granum; WorldCat