Pandanus : nature in literature, art, myth and ritual / Editor-in-chief: Jaroslav Vacek [u.a.]. - Prague : Charles University in Prague, Philosophical Faculty, Institute of South and Central Asia, Seminar of Indian Studies
Erscheinungsverlauf: 1998-2007 unter den Jahrgangstiteln Pandanus '98 (1998) bis Pandanus '07 (2007); seit Pandanus '08 mit zusätzlicher Bandzählung: Pandanus '08/1 = 1.2008; Pandanus '08/2 = 2.2008; Pandanus '09/1 = 3,1.2009; Pandanus '09/2 = 3,2.2009
ISSN 1802-7997
URL: Pandanus Publications
Pandanus is a biannual peer-reviewed international journal publishing original research papers in English on nature symbolism in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. It has a regional focus on South Asia but welcomes papers from other regions. The journal is the outcome of the Pandanus project, based at the Institute of South and Central Asian Studies, Seminar of Indian Studies, Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague.
Pandanus volumes started coming out in 1998 on an annual basis as a result of co-operation between three Universities – Charles University in Prague, Milan University and Leipzig University – who set up a tradition of rotating specialist seminars on nature symbolism in Indian literature. In the course of time colleagues from all over Europe and also India have come to take part in these seminars.