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Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang: Rites and Teachings for This Life and Beyond.
Brill's Tibetan studies library; 25. xxvi, 252 S.
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Buddhist Thought in Tibet: An Historical Introduction.
The Oxford handbook of world philosophy. 245-264.
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Buddhism between Tibet and China.
Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. xxi, 453 S.
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Tibetan Tibetology? Sketches of an Emerging Discipline.
Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th centuries. 2, 799-815.
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The Sun of the Heart and the Bai-ro-rgyud-'bum.
Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines. 15, 275-288.
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Mahāmudrā and the bKa'-brgyud Tradition: PIATS 2006.
Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung; 25. 498 S. Abstract
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New studies of the old Tibetan documents: philology, history and religion.
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(2011). Exportieren: Tagged XML BibTex