Lucia: Reflections of Amma
Verfasst von pw am Mo, 07/07/2014 - 20:04.Lucia, Amanda J.:
Reflections of Amma : Devotees in a Global Embrace / Amanda J. Lucia. - Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London : University of California Press, 2014. - xv, 304 S. : Ill.
Hochschulschrift. Teilw. zugl.: Chicago, Univ., Diss., 2010
ISBN 978-052-028-113-4
US$ 70,00 / £ 48,95 (hardback)
ISBN 978-052-028-114-1
US$ 29,95 / £ 19,95 (paperback)
DDC: 294.5092
The Guru in South Asia
Verfasst von pw am Sa, 03/09/2013 - 13:51.Copeman, Jacob [u.a.] [Hrsg.]:
The Guru in South Asia : New Interdisciplinary Perspectives / ed. by Jacob Copeman and Aya Ikegame. - London and New York : Routledge, 2012. - xi, 258 S. - (Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian Studies Series)
ISBN 978-0-415-51019-6
£ 90,00 / US$ 150,00
DDC: 206.10954
Indian Female Gurus in Contemporary Hinduism
Verfasst von pw am Mi, 01/26/2011 - 20:02.Charpentier, Marie-Thérèse:
Indian female gurus in contemporary Hinduism : a study of central aspects and expressions of their religious leadership / Marie-Thérèse Charpentier. - Åbo : Åbo akademis förlag, 2010. - 395 S. : Ill.
Hochschulschrift. Åbo, Akad.-Univ., Diss., 2010
ISBN 978-951-765-544-6
EUR 42,95 (BookPlus)
EUR 47,50 (Suurikuu)
ISBN 978-951-765-545-3 (digital) [Online verfügbar]
DDC: 294.561082
Verfasst von pw am Mi, 04/08/2009 - 13:40.Rigopoulos, Antonio:
Guru : il fondamento della civiltà dell'India / Antonio Rigopoulos ; con la prima traduzione italiana del Canto sul maestro. - Roma : Carocci Editore, 2009. - 365 S. - (Frecce ; 75)
ISBN 978-88-430-4843-4 / 88-430-4843-0
EUR 31,50