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Edgerton, Franklin: The Sanskrit k-suffixes / by Franklin Edgerton. - Baltimore, 1909. - x, 201 S. [Manuskript]
Hochschulschrift: Baltimore, Johns-Hopkins-Univ., Diss., 1909
Notiz: Handschriftliches Original des Verfassers.
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Edgerton, Franklin: The k-suffixes of Indo-Iranian / a dissertation submitted ... by Franklin Edgerton. - Part 1: the k-suffixes in the Veda and Avesta. - Leipzig : Drugulin, 1911. - iv, 104 S.
Hochschulschrift: Baltimore, Johns-Hopkins-Univ., Diss., 1909
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Gambier-Parry, Thomas Robert: A catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts purchased for the administrators of the Max Müller memorial fund / compiled by T. R. Gambier-Parry. - Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1922. - iv, 62 S.
[--> G | Digitale Werke]

Oldenberg, Hermann: Vedaforschung / Hermann Oldenberg. - Stuttgart ; Berlin : Cotta, 1905. - IV, 115 S.
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Śāstrī, Haraprasāda: Notices of Sanskrit mss. : second series / by Haraprasāda Çāstrī. - Vol. 1. - Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1900. - XL, 432 S.
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Śāstrī, Haraprasāda: Notices of Sanskrit mss. : second series / by Haraprasāda Çāstrī. - Vol. 2. - Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1904. - XXII, 238 S.
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Śāstrī, Haraprasāda: Notices of Sanskrit mss. : second series / by Haraprasāda Çāstrī. - Vol. 3. - Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1907. - XXVI, 18, 253 S.
[--> S | Digitale Werke]

Śāstrī, Haraprasāda: Notices of Sanskrit mss. : second series / by Haraprasāda Śāstrī. - Vol. 4. - Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1911. - xxxvi, 11, 265 S.
[--> S | Digitale Werke]

Whitney, William Dwight: Index verborum to the published text of the Atharva-Veda / by William Dwight Whitney. - New Haven : American Oriental Society, 1881. - 383 S.
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