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Studia Asiatica 2010 - Vol. 11

Studia Asiatica
Studia Asiatica : Revue internationale d'études asiatiques = International journal for Asian studies / Romanian Association for the History of Religions ; Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Bucharest. - Vol. 11, no. 1 & no. 2 = Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference Religious History of Europe and Asia, Bucharest, 20-23 September 2006, Volumes 4 & 5. - Bucarest, 2010
ISSN 1582-9111
URL: C.E.E.O.L (Online-Ausgabe)
Bezug über: Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13 sect. 5, Bucharest 050711

Inhalt: 11 (2010)
Vol. 10,1 = Proceedings Vol. 4: Mihaela Timuş (ed.), Changing Paradigms in the Study of Iranian Religions
Jean Kellens:
Les préliminaires du sacrifice mazdéen. 19
Philippe Gignoux:
Quand les dieux mazdéens perdent de leur influence, à l'aube de l'islamisation. 29
Bruce Lincoln:
Human Unity and Diversity in Achaemenian Myth, Ideology and Art: Evidence from Bisitun and Persepolis. 39
Enrico Raffaelli:
L'astrologie dans le zoroastrisme d'époque sassanide: l'exemple de la 5e section du Bundahišn. 63
James R. Russell:
The Science of Parting: Eliade, Iranian Shamanism, and the View from Tomis. 89
Martin Schwartz:
On Rashnu's Scales and the Chinvant's Bridge, with etymological appendices. 99
Shau Shaked:
La «vision humaine» selon les livres pehlevis. 105
Dan Shapira:
The Coming of Wahram: Iranian Political Messianism from the Chinese Borderland. 117
Mihaela Timuş:
Changer les mots, altérer des idées. Autour du traité apologétique Škand Gumānīg Wizār. 135
Vol. 10,2 = Proceedings Vol. 5: E. Ciurtin (ed.), Indian Religions and Buddhist Studies, and other contributions
Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat:
In memoriam Arion Roşu. 151
Hubert Durt:
Développements récents dans les études sur la légende du Buddha. 153
Jean-Marie Verpoorten:
Les dieux védiques Indra et Varuṇa dans le canon pāli. 173
C. D. Sebastian:
The Rejection of Egotism in Buddhism: the five Doṣas and their Remedies according to the Ratna-gotra-vibhāgo-mahāyānottara-tantraśāstram. 183
Luboš Bělka:
Spread of Buddhism and Wandering of Statues: Case of the Beijing Santalwood Buddha. 197
E. Ciurtin:
Histoire de l'indianisme et sa dessémination en Europe : bibliographie des travaux récents (1990-2010). 215
Silviu Lupaşcu:
The Arabesque of Knowledge: Connections between Gnosticism and Sufism under the Abbasid Dynasty (750-1258). 273
Jad Hatem:
Satan et l'amour pur selon Hallāj. 291
Corin Braga:
Utopistes en quête de l'Eden asiatique. 301
Ionuț Daniel Băncilă:
Aus der Mandäismusforschung in Berlin (I). 323.
Comptes rendus / Book reviews. 335
Publications received. 359