Migration and Religion in Europe
Gallo, Ester [Hrsg.]:
Migration and Religion in Europe : Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences / ed. by Ester Gallo. - Farnham (UK) ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, 2014. - xii, 273 S. : Ill. - (Urban Anthropology)
ISBN 978-1-4094-2973-9
£ 65,00 (Hardback)
ISBN 978-1-4094-2974-6
£ 65,00 (eBook)
DDC: 305.608991404
Religious practices and their transformation are crucial elements of migrants' identities and are increasingly politicized by national governments in the light of perceived threats to national identity. As new immigrant flows shape religious pluralism in Europe, longstanding relations between the State and Church are challenged, together with majority-faith traditions and societies’ ways of representing and perceiving themselves.
With attention to variations according to national setting, this volume explores the process of reformulating religious identities and practices amongst South Asian 'communities' in European contexts, Presenting a wide range of ethnographies, including studies of Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Islam amongst migrant communities in contexts as diverse as Norway, Italy, the UK, France and Portugal, Migration and Religion in Europe sheds light on the meaning of religious practices to diasporic communities. It examines the manner in which such practices can be used by migrants and local societies to produce distance or proximity, as well as their political significance in various 'host' nations. [Verlagsinformation]
ESTER GALLO is Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Gediz, Izmir, Turkey. Faculty page.
Quellen: Ashgate Publishing; WorldCat; Library of Congress; Bookbutler
Bildquelle: Ashgate Publishing
Bibliographie: [1]
- Migration and Religion in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences. Urban Anthropology. xii, 273 S. (2014).
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