IIJBS 2008 -- 9
The Indian international journal of Buddhist studies / Editors: Lalji 'Shravak' [u.a.]. - Varanasi : BJK Institute of Buddhist & Asian Studies.
Erscheinugnsverlauf: 1.1999/2000(2000) -
ISSN 0972-4893
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Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap Institute of Buddhist and Asian Studies
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Number 9 (2008)
Band 9 ist gleichzeitig ein Gedenkband für Bhikkhu Jagadish Kashyap zum hundertsten Geburtstag.
I. Beiträge
1. Anālayo: "The Chinese Madhyama-āgama" (1-21)
2. Chandawimala, Ven. Rangama Thero: "Bodhisattva Practice in Theravāda Buddhism" (23-43)
3. Kohl, Christian Thomas: "Buddhism and Quantum Physics" (45-62)
4. Lighthiser, Timothy: "Gūthabhāṇin, Pupphabhāṇin, Madhubhāṇin: Scripture, Exegesis, and Epexegesis" (63-85)
5. Long, Darui: "Buddhist Studies in China in the Twentieth Century" (87-116)
6. Milcinski, Maja: "The Buddhist Influences on Neo-Confucianism" (117-124)
7. Milcinski, Maja: "(Mis)Understanding the Other: European Discourse on Asian Religions" (125-139)
8. Pāsādika, Bhikkhu: "The Ekottarāgama Parallel to the Mūlapariyāyasutta" (141-149)
9. Roger R. Jackson: "The Indian Mahāmudrā 'Canon(s)': A Preliminary Sketch (151-184)
10. Sebastian, C. D.: "The Bodhisattva Ideal as Philosophy of Life" (185-198)
11. Sullivan, Brenton: "Venerable Fazun at the Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Institute" (199-241)
12. Wynne, Alexander: "On the Sarvāstivādins and Mūlasarvāstivādins (243-266)
13. Yit, Kin-Tung: "Remarks on Fixed Units of Wording in Early Buddhist Canon" (267-291)
II. Übersetzung
1. 'Shravak', Lalji: "Abhidharma-Saṅgīti-paryāyapādaśāstra [T. Vol. 26, No. 1536] (Caturdharma varga)" (translated from Chinese into Hindi) (293-332)
Quelle: Mitteilung in der Mailing-Liste "H-Buddhism", vom 3.12.2008