Wojtilla, Gyula [Hrsg.]:
Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti : a Sanskrit Work on Agriculture / Edited with an introductory study by Gyula Wojtilla. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2010. - 144 S. - (Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen ; 21)
ISBN 978-3-447-06265-7
EUR 38,00
DDC: 630.954
Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti is the lengthiest and most important Sanskrit treatise on traditional Indian agriculture. Its content is divided into four parts: Section one entitled "The description of the methods of cultivating grains and the like" is comprised of fourteen chapters devoted among others to the divine origin of agriculture, the process of grain production, the characteristic marks of cultivators, and the various food stuffs beginning with pulses. Section two "The description of the method of cultivating vegetables and the like" gives also room to economic issues to be supervised by the king. Section three deals with rules regarding edible and inedible substances, while section four describes the order of offerings. Gyula Wojtilla's study of Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti gives an introduction examining authorship, age and provenance of the work. The main part contains a diplomatic edition of the text, a glossary of selected terms, and a list of botanical names. The four appendices highlight rural society, technique of agriculture, religious life, and food taboos depicted in the text. This book will be of interest to Indologists, historians of agriculture and rural society, students of cultural anthropology and religion. [Verlagsinformation]
Preface. 7
Introduction. 9
The structure of the work. 20
Language and style. 23
Materials for the edition. 25
Editorial technique. 28
Sanskrit Text. 31
Notes on the Text. 93
Glossary of selected terms unattested or insufficiently recorded in Sanskrit dictionaries. 95
Appendix One. 103
- Rural society as seen in the Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti
Appendix Two. 108
- Technique of agriculture as seen in the Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti
- Agricultural meteorology
- The knowledge of the soil
- Crop rotation
- Fertilizing with Manure
- Irrigation
- Preservation of seeds, sowing and transplantation of seedlings
- Agricultural tools and operations
- Plough and ploughing
- Harrow and harrowing
- The tools and process of reaping
- Threshing, winnowing
- Storing
- Animal husbandry
Appendix Three. 118
- The role of gods in the Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti
- Rites connected with the agricultural year
- Digging up a well
- Application of a plough and other tools. The commencement of ploughing and other operations
- Plough worship (verses 270–276)
- The worship of the bull-king
- Worshipping gods at the storing of paddy
- Rites connected with the agricultural year missing here
- Āgrayaṇa
- Sītāyajña
- Rites concerning cooking and food
- Worship of gods before cooking
- Worship of gods before eating
- Food offerings to gods
Appendix Four. 126
- Edible and inedible in the Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti
- Edible things
- Inedible things
Appendix Five. 133
- A list of Sanskrit names of plants in the Kāśyapīyakṛṣisūkti with their English and botanical equivalents and place of occurence in the text
Bibliography and Abbreviations. 139
(Bildquelle: Ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
GYULA WOJTILLA (*1945), Universität Szeged, Ungarn. Biografische Skizze (Wikipedia).
Quellen: Harrassowitz; Buchhandel.de; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek; WorldCat; Amazon (Deutschland)
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