EJVS 2010
Verfasst von pw am So, 11/28/2010 - 19:15.
Electronic journal of Vedic studies : EJVS / Editor-in-chief: Michael Witzel. - 17 (2010). - [S.l.], 2010. [Elektronische Ressource]
Erscheinungsverlauf: 1.1995-
ISSN 1084-7561
URL: http://www.ejvs.laurasianacademy.com/
Inhalt: 17 (2010)
1. Fushimi, Makoto:
Mantra List in Hiraṇyakeśi Śrautasūtra : addition to a Vedic concordance. In: EJVS 17 (2010), issue 1, S. 1-134
2. Vajracharya, Gautama V.:
Unicorns in Ancient India and Vedic Ritual. In: EJVS 17 (2010), issue 2, S. 135-147
3. Vassilkov, Yaroslav V.:
Pre-Mauryan “Rattle-Mirrors” with Artistic Designs from Scythian Burial Mounds of the Altai Region in the Light of Sanskrit Sources. In: EJVS 17 (2010), issue 3, S. 1-25