Burgess, Ebenezer
Burgess, Ebenezer (1805-1870)1. Geb. in Grafton, Vermont, am 25. Juni 1805, gest. in Newton Centre, Mass., am 1. Januar 1870. Von 1839 bis 1854 als Missionar in Indien.
[Übers.] „Translation of the Sûrya-Siddhânta, a text-book of Hindu astronomy : with notes, and an appendix“ / by Ebenezer Burgess. - In: Journal of the American Oriental Society. - 6 (1860). - New Haven : American Oriental Society, 1860, S. 141-498Einheitssachtitel: Sūryasiddhānta <engl.>
Notiz: Beteiligt: Whitney, William Dwight (1827-1894). Vgl. Stephen G. Alter: William Dwight Whitney and the science of language. - Baltimore and London : The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2005, S. 281, Anm. 3: „An initial translation of the Suryasiddhanta has been made by Ebenezer Burgess, a retired missionary to India and a member of the AOS. Yet Whitney, ostensibly serving as Burgess's assistant, was obliged to revise the whole of Burgess's work, which he described as 'worthless'“.URL: http://books.google.com/books?id=d6o4AAAAIAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 17. Juli 2007, Vorlage: Univ. of California)
Dateiformat: G; PDFURL: http://books.google.com/books?id=p78OAAAAIAAJ (Google Books. Vorlage: Stanford Univ.)
Dateiformat: G; PDFURL: http://books.google.com/books?id=Ql8pAAAAYAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 9. Juli 2008, Vorlage: Harvard Univ.)
Dateiformat: G; PDFURL: http://books.google.com/books?id=QqtBAAAAYAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 3. Apr. 2009, Vorlage: Harvard Univ.)
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[Übers.] Translation of the Sûrya-Siddhânta, a text-book of Hindu astronomy : with notes, and an appendix, containing additional notes and tables, calculations of eclipses, a stellar map, and indexes / by Ebenezer Burgess. - New Haven : American Oriental Society, 1860. - iv, 354 S.Einheitssachtitel: Sūryasiddhānta <engl.>
Notiz: Zusatz auf dem Titelblatt: "From the Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. vi, 1860". - Beteiligt: Whitney, William Dwight (1827-1894)URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10251179-3 (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek digital)
Dateiformat: G; PDFURL: http://books.google.com/books?id=bPUXKcHQw2EC (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 16. Aug. 2005, Vorlage: Harvard Univ.)
Dateiformat: G; PDFURL: http://books.google.com/books?id=jpE7AAAAcAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 8. Mai 2009, Vorlage: Univ. Lausanne)
Dateiformat: G; PDFURL: http://books.google.com/books?id=dJs-AAAAcAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 7. Okt. 2009, Vorlage: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
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