Neu erfaßt:
Bose, Mandakranta: Supernatural intervention in Kālidāsa’s "Abhijñānaśakuntalā" and Shakespeare’s "Tempest" / by Mandakranta Bose. - [Vancouver], 1978. - vi, 71 S.
[--> B | Digitale Werke]
Burgess, Ebenezer [Übers.]: „Translation of the Sûrya-Siddhânta, a text-book of Hindu astronomy : with notes, and an appendix“ / by Ebenezer Burgess. - In: Journal of the American Oriental Society. - 6 (1860). - New Haven : American Oriental Society, 1860, S. 141-498
[--> B | Digitale Werke]
Burgess, Ebenezer [Übers.]: Translation of the Sûrya-Siddhânta, a text-book of Hindu astronomy : with notes, and an appendix, containing additional notes and tables, calculations of eclipses, a stellar map, and indexes / by Ebenezer Burgess. - New Haven : American Oriental Society, 1860. - iv, 354 S.
[--> B | Digitale Werke]
- Siehe --> Ivanovskij, Aleksej Osipovič: Tibetskij perevod "Poslanija k učeniku" (1890)
- Siehe --> Minaev, Ivan Pavlovič: Poslanie k učeniku (1890)
Dāmodaramiśra (oder Dāmodara): The Vāṇībhūshaṇa of Dāmodara Miśra / ed. by Paṇdit Durgāprasāda and Kāśīnātha Pāṇdurang Parab. Rev. by Wāsudev Laxmaṇ Shāstrī Paṇśīkar. - 2nd rev. ed. - Bombay : Nirnaya-sagar Press, 1925. - 4, 52 S. - (Kāvyamālā ; 53)
[--> D | Digitale Werke]
Fiske, Ernest Frederick (†1850)
The respective Peculiarities in the creeds of the Mahometan and the Hindu which stand in the way of conversion to the Christian faith / an essay which obtained Sir Peregrine Maitland's Prize for the year 1848 by Ernest Frederick Fiske. - Cambridge : Deighton ; London : Rivington, 1849. - XII, 147 S.
URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10434992-9 (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek digital)
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„Tibetskij perevod "Poslanija k učeniku"“ [Тибетский перевод "Послания к ученику"] / [A. Ivanovskij]. - In: Zapiski Vostočnago Otdelenija Imperatorskago Russkago Archeologičeskago Obščestva [Записки Восточнаго Отделения Императорскаго Русскаго Археологическаго Общества] / izdavaemyja pod redakcieju upravljajuščago otdeleniem V. R. Rozena. - Tom 4 (1889). - S.-Peterburg : Tipografija Imperatorskoj Akademij Nauk, 1890, S. 53-82. [In kyrill. Schr., an die heutige Orthographie angepaßt].
URL: (GRETIL e-library)
Dateiformat: PDF
Taxila under the Kushans : research based on numismatic evidence / comprehensive report subitted to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad (Pakistan) submitted by Gul Rahim Khan. - [s.l., Peshawar?], 2010. - 154 S. : graph. Darst. - (Post-Doctoral Fellowship Phase-II (Batch-III 2008))
URL: (Pakistan Research Repository)
Dateiformat: PDF
Buddhism in popular culture : the case of Sri Lankan "Tovil dance" / Hege Myrlund Larsen. - [Bergen] : University of Bergen, 2009. - 452 S. : Ill. - ISBN 978-82-308-1508-3.
URL: (Bergen Open Research Archive, BORA-UiB)
Dateiformat: PDF
The meaning of "World" in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy / a thesis submitted ... by Kennard Lipman. - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1976. - vi, 142 S.
URL: (Univ. of Sakatchewan Library ETD)
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Blo gsal grub mtha' / by Anne Elizabeth MacDonald. - [Vancouver], 1988. - x, 172 S.
Notiz: "This thesis presents the translation and study of the twelfth section of Blo gsal grub mtha' an early fourteenth century Tibetan text composed by the bKa' gdams pa scholar, dBus pa blo gsal" (S. ii). - S. 76-136: Blo gsal grub mtha', Kap. 12: Mādhyamika <engl.>
URL: (UBC Library, Circle)
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„Poslanie k učeniku : Soč. Čandragomina“ / [I. Minaev]. - In: Zapiski Vostočnago Otdelenija Russkago Archeologičeskago Obščestva. - Tom 4 (1889). - S.-Peterburg : Tipografija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk, 1890, S. 29-52.
URL: (GRETIL e-library)
Dateiformat: PDF
„Spasenie po učeniju pozdnějšich buddistov“ / [I. Minaev]. - In: Zapiski Vostočnago Otdelenija Russkago Archeologičeskago Obščestva. - Tom 4 (1889). - S.-Peterburg : Tipografija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk, 1890, S. 153‒228.
URL: (GRETIL e-library)
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The Authorship of the Pañcadaśī and the textual context of its Tṛptidīpa-prakaraṇa / Prem Pahlajrai. - [s.l.], 2005. - vii, 102 S.
URL: (Homepage Prem Pahlajrai)
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Classical Sanskrit preverb ordering : a diachronic study / by Julia Kay Porter Papke. - [Columbus, Oh.], 2010. - xix, 185 S.
URL: (OhioLink ETD)
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The socio-economic basis of support for the Buddhist Religious Institutions of Western India : circa 200 B.C. to A.D. 200 / by Laurence Wade Preston. - [Vancouver], 1975. - vii, 130 S.
URL: (UBC Library, Circle)
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Mahāvyutpatti = 梵藏漢和四譯對校飜譯名義大集 (Bon-Zō-Kan-Wa shiyaku taikō : Hon'yaku myōgi taishū) / [著作者榊亮三郎] (chosakusha Sakaki Ryōzaburō). - Kyōto : Shingonshū Kyōto Daigaku, Taishō 5 [1916]. - lviii, 616, 8 S. : 1 Faltblatt. - (Kyōto Teikoku Daigaku Bunka Daigaku sōsho ; dai 3)
URL: (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 17. Juli 2009, Vorlage: Univ. of Toronto)
Dateiformat: DjVu; G; PDF
Saṅs rgyas 'bum (dBus pa blo gsal)
- Siehe --> MacDonald, Anne Elizabeth: Blo gsal grub mtha' (1988)
- Siehe --> Minaev, Ivan Pavlovič: Spasenie po učeniju pozdnějšich buddistov (1890)
Das gZhan stong dbu ma’i rgyan des rJe btsun Tāranātha Kun dga' snying po : tibetischer Text und Übersetzung / Verfasser: Rolf Scheuermann. - Wien, 2010. - III, 157 S.
Notiz: Enthält Tāranātha: gŹan stoṅ dbu ma'i rgyan <tibet., dt.>
URL: (Universitätsbibliothek Wien, E-Theses)
Dateiformat: PDF
- Siehe --> Burgess, Ebenezer: Translation of the Sûrya-Siddhânta (1860)
- Siehe --> Burgess, Ebenezer: Translation of the Sûrya-Siddhânta (1860)
- Siehe --> Scheuermann, Rolf: Das gZhan stong dbu ma’i rgyan (2010)
Over de godsdienstige en wijsgeerige begrippen der Jaina's / academisch proefschrift ... door Sybrandus Johannes Warren. - Zwolle : W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink, 1875. - 111 S.
URL: (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 23. Juni 2006, Vorlage: Univ. of Michigan)
Dateiformat: Daisy; DjVu; ePub; G; Kindle; PDF; TXT
Quelle: Google Books
Wiese, Friedrich Adolph (1800-1---)
Indien oder die Hindus, nach den neuesten und besten, vorzüglich englischen Werken / bearbeitet von F. A. Wiese. - Bd. 1. - Leipzig : Baumgärtners Buchhandlung, 1836. - 562 S. : Ill.
URL: (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 11. Febr. 2010, Vorlage: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
Dateiformat: G; PDF
Wiese, Friedrich Adolph (1800-1---)
Indien oder die Hindus, nach den neuesten und besten, vorzüglich englischen Werken / bearbeitet von F. A. Wiese. - Bd. 2. - Leipzig : Baumgärtners Buchhandlung, 1837. - XII, 579 S. : Ill.
URL: (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 11. Febr. 2010, Vorlage: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
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