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'Byuṅ-gnas-ye-śes, Yoshimizu, Chizuko [Hrsg.], Nemoto, Hiroshi [Hrsg.] (2013).  dBu ma tshig gsal gyi ti ka = Shan tansakupa junnē yēshē, Chūkan meikuron chūshaku. Part 1. Studia Tibetica; 46. 1, xxxiv, 120 S. Abstract
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Kuijp, Leonard W.J. van der, Arthur P. McKeown (2014).  bCom ldan ral gri (1227-1305): On Indian Buddhist Logic and Epistemology; his commentary on Dignāga's Pramāṇasamuccaya. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde; 80. CV, 219 S.
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bsTan-paʼi-ñi-ma, Źe-chen Rgyal-tshab Padma-ʼgyur-med-rnam-rgyal (2012).  Vajra Wisdom: Deity Practice in Tibetan Buddhism. viii, 246 S. Abstract
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Quintman, Andrew (2014).  The Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet's Great Saint Milarepa. South Asia Across the Disciplines. XI, 314 S.
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Blo-bzang-rgya-mtsho, Samten G. Karmay (2014).  The Illusive Play: the Autobiography of the Fifth Dalai Lama.
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Helman-Ważny, Agnieszka (2014).  The Archaeology of Tibetan Books. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library; 36. XVIII, 311 S.
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Rakow, Katja (2014).  Transformationen des tibetischen Buddhismus im 20. Jahrhundert: Chögyam Trungpa und die Entwicklung von Shambhala Training. Critical studies in religion, Religionswissenschaft; 6. 409 S.
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Cabezón, José Ignacio, Śes rab 'od, Rog Bande (2013).  The Buddha's Doctrine and the Nine Vehicles: Rog Bande Sherab's Lamp of the Teachings.
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Tuttle, Gray [Hrsg.], Schaeffer, Kurtis R. [Hrsg.] (2013).  The Tibetan History Reader.
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Higgins, David (2013).  The Philosophical Foundations of Classical rDzogs chen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction between Dualistic Mind (sems) and Primordial Knowing (ye shes). Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde; 78. 369 S. Abstract
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Laxy, Luana (2013).  Tibet ohne einen XV. Dalai Lama?: Die Zukunft des tibetischen Tulku-Systems aus Sicht von Exiltibetern aus Asien und Europa. Studien und Dokumentationen zur Praktischen Religionswissenschaft; 1. 295 S.
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Tropper, Kurt [Hrsg.], Scherrer-Schaub, Cristina [Hrsg.] (2013).  Tibetan Inscriptions: Proceedings of a Panel held at the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 2010. Brill's Tibetan studies library; 32.
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Auer, Carmen (2013).  The Ancient Monastic Complex of Dangkhar. Buddhist Architecture in the Western Himalayas. 328 S.
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Smith, Stewart (2013).  The Monasteries of Amdo: a Comprehensive Guide to the Monasteries of the Amdo Region of Tibet. XV, 462 S.
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Ahmad, Zahiruddin (2012).  The Historical Status of China in Tibet. xii, 215 S.
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Taenzer, Gertraud (2012).  The Dunhuang Region during Tibetan Rule (787-848): a Study of the Secular Manuscripts Discovered in the Mogao Caves. Opera Sinologica; 24. XIII, 450 S.
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Neuhaus, Tom (2012).  Tibet in the Western Imagination. ix, 264 S.
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Harris, Clare E. (2012).  The Museum on the Roof of the World: Art, Politics, and the Representation of Tibet. Buddhism and Modernity.
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Koṅ-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas, Barron, Richard [Übers.] (2012).  The Treasury of Knowledge, Books seven and eight (parts one and two), Foundations of Buddhist Study and Practice: The higher Trainings in Sublime Intelligence and Meditative Absorption.
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De Rossi Filibeck, Elena [Hrsg.] (2012).  Tibetan Art between Past and Present: Studies Dedicated to Luciano Petech. Tibetan Art between Past and Present. 174 S.
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Jackson, David P., Linrothe, Rob (2012).  The Place of Provenance: Regional Styles in Tibetan Painting. Masterworks of Tibetan painting series; 4.
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Koṅ-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas, Dorje, Gyurme [Übers.] (2012).  The Treasury of Knowledge, Book Six, Parts one and two, Indo-Tibetan Classical Learning and Buddhist Phenomenology.
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Hofer, Theresia (2012).  The Inheritance of Change: Transmission and Practice of Tibetan Medicine in Ngamring. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde; 76. XXI, 418 S.
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Kind, Marietta (2012).  The Bon Landscape of Dolpo: pilgrimages, monasteries, biographies and the emergence of Bon. Welten Süd- und Zentralasiens = Worlds of South and Inner Asia = Mondes de l'Asie du Sud et de L'Asie centrale; 4. 568 S.
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Ramble, Charles [Hrsg.], Sudbury, Jill [Hrsg.] (2012).  This World and the Next: Contributions on Tibetan Religion, Science and Society; PIATS 2006. Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung; 27. 271 S. Abstract
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