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Siderits, Mark, Katsura, Shōryū (2013).  Nāgārjuna's Middle Way: the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Classics of Indian Buddhism. x, 351 S.
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Franco, Eli [Hrsg.] (2013).  Periodization and Historiography of Indian Philosophy. Publications of the De Nobili Research Library; 37. 396 S.
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Freschi, Elisa, Pontillo, Tiziana (2013).  Rule-Extension Strategies in Ancient India: Ritual, Exegetical and Linguistic Considerations on the Tantra- and Prasaṅga-Principles. X, 177 S.
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Eltschinger, Vincent, Ratié, Isabelle (2013).  Self, No-Self, and Salvation: Dharmakirti's Critique of the Notions of Self and Person. Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 837. xiii, 382 S.
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Eltschinger, Vincent [Hrsg.], Krasser, Helmut [Hrsg.] (2013).  Scriptural Authority, Reason and Action: Proceedings of a Panel at the 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, September 1st-5th 2009. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens; 79. XIX, 485 S.
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Cross, Stephen (2013).  Schopenhauer's Encounter with Indian Thought: Representation and Will and their Indian Parallels. Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Monographs; 24. xiv, 287 S.
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Candrakīrti, Duerlinger, James [Übers.] (2013).  The Refutation of the Self in Indian Buddhism: Candrakīrti on the Selflessness of Persons. Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism. Abstract
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Higgins, David (2013).  The Philosophical Foundations of Classical rDzogs chen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction between Dualistic Mind (sems) and Primordial Knowing (ye shes). Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde; 78. 369 S. Abstract
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Kragh, Ulrich Timme [Hrsg.] (2013).  The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: the Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet. Harvard Oriental Series; 75. 1429 S.
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Todd, Warren Lee (2013).  The Ethics of Śaṅkara and Śāntideva: a Selfless Response to an Illusory World. Dialogues in South Asian Traditions.
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Elisa Freschi, Tiziana Pontillo (2013).  When One Thing Applies More than Once: tantra and prasaṅga in Śrautasūtra, Mīmāṃsā and Grammar. Signless Signification in Ancient India and Beyond. 33-98.
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'Byuṅ-gnas-ye-śes, Yoshimizu, Chizuko [Hrsg.], Nemoto, Hiroshi [Hrsg.] (2013).  dBu ma tshig gsal gyi ti ka = Shan tansakupa junnē yēshē, Chūkan meikuron chūshaku. Part 1. Studia Tibetica; 46. 1, xxxiv, 120 S. Abstract
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Rao, C. Upender [Hrsg.], Chodrung-ma Kunga Chodron [Hrsg.], Dexter, Michelle L. [Hrsg.] (2013).  Śāntideva and Bodhicaryāvatāra: Images, Interpretations, Reflections. xiv, 241 S.
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Elisa FRESCHI, Kei KATAOKA (2012).  Jayanta on the Validity of Sacred Texts (Other than the Veda). Minami-Ajia kotengaku = South Asian Classical Studies. 7, 1-55.
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Mitra, Madhabendra Nath [Hrsg.] (2012).  Studies in Logic: a Dialogue between the East and the West; Homage to Bimal Krishna Matilal. xviii, 253 S.
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Kotabagi, B. H. (2012).  A Modern Introduction to Mādhva Philosophy. xii, 324 S.
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Hemacandra, Qvarnström, Olle [Übers.] (2012).  A Handbook on the Three Jewels of Jainism: the Yogaśāstra of Hemacandra. 361 S.
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Oetke, Claus (2012).  Ascriptions of Linguistic Properties and Varieties of Content: Two Studies on Problems of Self-Reference. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Oriental Studies; 20. 307 S.
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Elisa Freschi (2012).  Action, desire and subjectivity in Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā. Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue : Self and No-Self . 147-164.
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Eltschinger, Vincent, Krasser, Helmut, Taber, John (2012).  Can the Veda speak? Dharmakīrti against Mīmāṃsā Exegetics and Vedic authority. An Annotated Translation of PVSV 164,24–176,16. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens; 74. 195 S.
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Schayer, Stanisław (2012).  Contributions to the Problem of Time in Indian Philosophy. Studia Buddhica; 3.
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Eltschinger, Vincent (2012).  Caste and Buddhist Philosophy: Continuity of Some Buddhist Arguments against the Realist Interpretation of Social Denominations. Buddhist Tradition Series; 60. xxi, 235 S.
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Karnik, Vaishali Sunil (2012).  Concept of Mokṣa in Advaita Vedānta with special reference to Jīvanmuktiviveka of Shri Vidyāraṇyaswāmī. xiv, 240 S.
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Diaconescu, Bogdan (2012).  Debating Verbal Cognition: the Theory of the Principal Qualificand (mukhyaviśeṣya) in Classical Indian Thought. xiii, 533 S.
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Freschi, Elisa (2012).  Duty, Language and Exegesis in Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā: Including an edition and translation of Rāmānujācārya’s Tantrarahasya, Śāstraprameyapariccheda. Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture; 17.
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