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Rocher, Ludo, Davis, Donald R. [Hrsg.] (2012).  Studies in Hindu Law and Dharmaśāstra. Anthem South Asian Normative Traditions Studies . 759 S.
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Buswell, Robert E., Donald S. Lopez (2014).  The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. xxxii, 1265 S.
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Gray, David B. (2013).  The Cakrasaṃvara Tantra (the Discourse of Śrī Heruka): editions of the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts. Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences. xv, 577 S.
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Tuttle, Gray [Hrsg.], Schaeffer, Kurtis R. [Hrsg.] (2013).  The Tibetan History Reader.
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Tripathi, Dipti S. [Hrsg.] (2013).  Tattvabodha: Essays from the Lecture Series of the National Mission for Manuscripts. 4, xi, 251 S.
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Henriques, Henrique, Jeanne Hein, V. S. Rajam (2013).  The Earliest Missionary Grammar of Tamil: Fr. Henriques' Arte Da Lingua Malabar; Translation, History, and Analysis. Harvard Oriental Series; 76. xv, 332 S.
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Gupta, Ravi M. [Hrsg.], Valpey, Kenneth R. [Hrsg.] (2013).  The Bhāgavata Purāṇa: Sacred Text and Living Tradition. xiii, 279 S.
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Lionel Wee, Robbie B. H. Goh, Lisa Lim (2013).  The Politics of English: South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific. Studies in world language problems; 4. ix, 322 S.
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Fenech, Louis E. (2013).  The Sikh Ẓafar-Nāmah of Guru Gobind Singh: a Discursive Blade in the Heart of the Mughal Empire. xxiv, 304 S.
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Bhatnagar, V. S. (2012).  The Nātha philosophy and Ashṭāṅga-yoga. x, 179 S.
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Lopez, Donald S. (2012).  The Scientific Buddha: his Short and Happy Life. Terry Lectures. xi, 148 S.
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Harris, Clare E. (2012).  The Museum on the Roof of the World: Art, Politics, and the Representation of Tibet. Buddhism and Modernity.
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Kapp, Dieter B. (2014).  Ālu-Kuṟumba-Texte Band 2. Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen; 16,2. 2, IV, 308 S.
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