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Sayings of the Buddha

Gethin, Rupert [Übers.]:
Sayings of the Buddha : new translations from the Pali Nikayas / translated by Rupert Gethin. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. - liv, 307 S. : Kt. - (Oxford world's classics)
ISBN 978-0-19-283925-1 / 0-19-283925-X
£ 9,99

Bhagavad Gita

Patton, Laurie L. [Übers.]:
The Bhagavad Gita / transl. by Laurie L. Patton. - London : Penguin, 2008. - liv, 234 S. - (Penguin Classic)
Einheitssachtitel: Bhagavadgītā <engl.>
ISBN 978-0-140-44790-3 / 0-140-44790-3
£ 9,99

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Anuruddha, R. P.: An introduction into Lamaism : the mystical Buddhism of Tibet / by R. P. Anuruddha. - Hoshiarpur : Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1959. - xiii, 212 S. - (Sarvadanand Universal series ; 31) (Vishveshvaranand Institute publication ; 166)
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Bādarāyaṇa: The aphorisms of the Vedánta, by Bádaráyana : with the commentary of Śankara Áchárya and the gloss of Govinda Ánanda / ed. by Paṇḍita Ráma Náráyaṇa Vidyáratna. - Vol. 1: Adhyáya 1 - Adhyáya 2, páda 2. - Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1863. - 604 S. - (Bibliotheca Indica ; [22])
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Seduced by the Familiar

Raghavendra, M. K.:
Seduced by the Familiar : Narration and Meaning in Indian Popular Cinema / M. K. Raghavendra. - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2008. - x, 362 S. : Ill.
ISBN 978-0-19-569654-7
Rs. 695,00
US$ 17,00 (Biblia Impex)
US$ 52,20 (Bagchee)

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Mukherjee, Biswadeb: Die Überlieferung von Devadatta, dem Widersacher des Buddha in den kanonischen Schriften / von Biswadeb Mukherjee. - München : Kitzinger in Komm., 1966. - V, 158 S. - (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft ; Beiheft J)
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Wujastyk, Dominik: „The combinatorics of tastes and humours in classical Indian medicine and mathematics“. - In: Journal of Indian Philosophy. - 28 (2000), Nr. 5-6, S. 479-495.
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Herrscherurkunden und Privaturkunden aus Westtibet

Schuh, Dieter:
Herrscherurkunden und Privaturkunden aus Westtibet (Ladakh) / Dieter Schuh. - Halle (Saale) : ITBS International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2008. - XVI, 475 S. - (Monumenta Tibetica Historica. Abt. 3: Diplomata, epistolae et leges ; Bd. 11)
ISBN 978-3-88280-081-4
EUR 98,50

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Ascoli, Graziadio Isaia: Lezioni di fonologia comparata del sanscrito, del greco e del latino / date nelle Regia Academia scientifico-letteraria di Milano da G. I. Ascoli. - Torino e Firenze : Loescher, 1870. - XVI, 240 S. - (Corsi di glottologia ; 1).
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Mitra, Rajendralala[Hrsg.]: गोपथ-ब्राह्मणं = The Gopatha Bráhmaṇa of the Atharva Veda in the original Sanskrit / ed. by Rájendralála Mitra and Harachandra Vidyábhushaṇa. - Calcutta : Ganeśa Press, 1872. - 3, 12, 39, 183 S. - (Bibliotheca Indica ; [69])
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